Monday, October 4, 2010


A few years ago, a bunch of beaders gathered for a weekend of quiet (ok, sometimes NOT quiet) beading fun at Kirkmont Retreat Center in Ohio. From Thursday til Sunday, we float between beading, eating, talking, walking, napping, (and in the past year, tangling)... whatever strikes our fancy at the moment. A few of us usually teach classes for those who want to learn a little something new. We usually design something simple and easy to finish. This year I taught a design I call Awesome Blossom. It's a simple pendant piece, but uses a different construction than expected, so in that way, it's a little new. Here is the original piece:

About ten people took the class on Friday morning, and by Friday evening, there were quite a few iterations of this project floating about. I don't know what kind of vortex was hovering, but the inspiration and creative juices were crazy. I don't think I had ever seen that concentration of "cross pollination" in one place in such a short time. Here are the pieces that these creative women came up with...

They, in turn, got ME going again. So here is what happened to me in the vortex..

Awesome Blossom cross-pollination. Gotta love it. Thanks, ladies!!!


  1. This was so much fun to make and I really enjoyed watching all the versions come to life!


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